Q. Do I have to be an expert on photography to join the Club?
A. No. We welcome anyone with an interest in photography, from complete beginners to experienced photographers. Grange PS covers the whole spectrum and our members have a wide range of interests for their photography: landscape, street photography, underwater, steam trains, portraits, black and white, colour, ….
Q. Do I need expensive equipment?
A. No. We cater for owners of all types of camera, from compacts to medium format. And good photos can be had with all of them. As the saying goes: your photo is only as good as the camera you’ve got with you J
Q. Who is on the committee?
A. A list of committee members is on the Membership page. However, we are an informal club, and committee meetings are not just limited to committee members. We like to hear everyone’s views.
Q. Are there trophies to be won?
A. Yes. There are a number of trophies to be won throughout the year. These are explained on the Competitions page
Q. What are Members’ Evenings?
A. Members’ evenings are occasions when one or more Club members talk about various aspects of photography or their interests. It is an opportunity to share expertise and discuss your work. There is no obligation to give a talk, but we will of course be delighted with anybody volunteering to lead a session or to give a talk. Recently we had travel talks, advise sessions and photo shoots. If you have an idea for a session – tell us about it and go for it!
Q. Do I have to enter competitions and battles?
A. No. It’s not compulsory, but we like to encourage members to do so. There is a Quarterly club competition, our annual open exhibition and several of our members enter outside competitions. See also the ‘Competitions’ page.
Q. Do I have to go to away battles?
A. No. However, we do like members to support their Club and you can gain from seeing the work produced in other Clubs. If travel is a problem, you can always arrange a lift with another Club member.
Q. What is the PAGB?
A. PAGB stands for Photographic Alliance of Great Britain. It is the governing body for camera club, and it organizes annual events for clubs. Only clubs can be members but individuals can subscribe to its monthly newsletter. Visit www.thepagb.org.uk for more information.
Q. If I want help with my photography, who should I ask?
A. Speak to anybody in the club. We have some very experienced members in our club and everyone will be happy to point you in their direction, and they will be very happy to help you and to answer your questions.